Our Books > Koalas: Zen in Fur

Koalas: Zen in Fur

by Joanne Ehrich


Koalas: Zen in Fur, by Joanne Ehrich; Softbound;
96 pages, 8.5′ x 8.5′; (21.5cm x 21.5cm); June 1, 2007;
ISBN-13: 978-0976469858, ISBN-10:0976469855;
Category: Photography/Wildlife. For ages 7+ and adults.

BW: $24.99

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Michael Hornby, CEO, Australia Zoo Wildlife Worldwide Ltd: “Koalas: Zen in Fur is a book to be treasured. It captures magnificently the beauty of a beloved Australian native species that delights and captivates animal lovers the world over. Each image compels us, more than words ever could, to do our utmost to ensure the koala’s continued care and protection. By purchasing this book you will be assisting in this endeavor and sharing the dream of Steve Irwin, the original Wildlife Warrior.”

Each copy of the book contributes to the Australian Wildlife Hospital, a major project Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Worldwide Ltd, for the preservation of the koala and other Australian creatures under threat.

Wildlife Hospital | Wildlife Warriors Worldwide

Drawn from what the American Library Association has has named “the best collection of koala images available,” Koalas: Zen in Fur consists of 320 mostly previously unpublished photographs accompanied by descriptions of Australia’s most beloved native.

“Like a walk in the forest, the pages of this book bring us into the world of koalas. We see them at rest, at play, nurturing their young, dining on eucalyptus—most of all we are able to see the presence, groundedness, and openness in their expression.

“A welcome balance of facts, insights, and images brings an understanding of the nature and habits of koalas—but it goes much further. It awakens an emotional connection even for those of us who have never felt the softness of their fur or watched them revel in a meal of tender leaves.

“Most important this book reminds us of our spiritual connection to the koala. In the directness of their gaze, the simplicity of their lives, and the gentleness of their actions we find a model for how and who we wish to be in the world.”

—Jan Allegretti, Author The Complete Holistic Dog Book: Home Health Care for Our Canine Companions


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Eva Kwolek, Columbus, IN, USA: “Though I’ve been unfortunate enough to never see a real-life koala, Koalas: Zen in Fur has given me a better understanding of the marsupial. Yes, the koala is not a bear, but each picture reminds me of my childhood teddy bear. It would be hard not to fall in love with such an adorable creature. For me, the koala can be summarized in one word: Loveable. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take a glimpse at the life of such a rare and amazing animal.”





Bill Coleman, Edinburgh, United Kingdom: “As a retiree who has only just embarked on a new job (part time), in Edinburgh Zoo I am doing a little research into various species to allow me to feel good at my job as a “Safari Guide.” The articles you have provided are fascinating to say the least, why did I not do this type of work in an earlier life? I would like to thank all concerned as I am totally besotted by Koalas, an animal that I have had the pleasure of having met on a visit to Australia about a decade ago. I am indeed priveleged to have done so.” I only wish that my education in my younger years had allowed me to enter the field of Zoology. Truly fascinating! Heartfelt thanks…”




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Jennifer Kahal, Speech Therapist: “Anything you wanted to know about the koala—but didn’t—is available right at your fingertips, in a simple, straightforward, and well-illustrated book. It contains magnificent pictures taken by various photographers that captured the true essence of the Koala.This delightful creature displays such an overall sense of peace that even the humans pictured alongside it bear a tranquil expression. I had no idea the Koala was considered a ‘Zen’ animal. If we really think about it, we can all learn about ourselves from this animal.”

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