Koalas: Moving Portraits of Serenity
by Joanne Ehrich
Koalas are among the most beloved and popular animals in the world. The oversized hardcover Koalas: Moving Portraits of Serenityis a book of beautiful koala photographs accompanied by informative narration, with 315 photographic plates by 120 photographers from 24 countries. Koalas: Moving Portraits of Serenity features carefully selected related camera sequences that make the animals come alive by suggesting movements, revealing a world rich with surprises. The photographs are arranged within sections that uncover different aspects of this marsupial. “The Allure of Koalas” sets the scene by exploring the unique attraction that has inspired so many photographers. “Life Cycle” focuses on koalas’ gender aspects, complemented by portraits of young koalas. “Characteristics” features its unusual physical traits and observations. “Types” explains little known differences between the three kinds of koalas. “Feeding” details this creature’s uncommon eating habits and sleep patterns. “Single Plates” offers un-themed visual desserts in the form of single images. The koala is an animal both peaceful and serene and as beguiling as it is charming. Its endearing presence leaves people delighted, touched and fascinated. Koalas: Moving Portraits of Serenity conveys insights about this phenomenal Australian native with resplendent visuals, deserving a place on the bookshelves of koala- and nature lovers alike.
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Koalas: Zen in Fur
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Booklist, American Library Association: “This is the best collection of koala images available and will find a ready audience.” (The New York Times calls Booklist “an acquisitions bible for public and school librarians.”)
Midwest Book Review: Harlan Weikle, Greener Magazine: “Like a pictorial reflection of Silent Spring, it may serve as a template for the very survival of nature …and ourselves.”