Art Categories

GENRE / CATEGORYFantasyHumor, Pop Art, Modern Art, Vintage, PhotographyStill LifePortraitPainting: Watercolor, Classic, Encaustic, Pastel Drawing,  Fashion, Jewelry, Free.

BOOKSZen in Fur, Aboriginal Tales, Koala Museum , Mr. Douglas’ Koalas , Vegetarian Delights, Vintage Postcards , A Summer Party, Book of ValentinesMoving Portraits, Coloring Book, Barrett’s Koala.

GAMESKoala Jungle, Koala Heroes, Happy Koalas, Happy AvatarsMagic Koalas, Magic Avatars, Space KoalasSpace Avatars, Aqua Koalas, Pop Art Koalas, Smart Koalas, Koala Museum, Snow Koalas, Koala Heist, Dream Koalas, Coloring Book.

AREABedroom, Dining, Living Area, BathPaintings, Wall Art.



OVERALL CATEGORYBook // Game // Collectible // Free // Wall Art // Art // Maker Craft // New Media // Performance

MEDIUMPainting: Watercolor, Oil, Encaustic, Pastel, Mixed Media // Drawing // Maker Craft: Fashion, Jewelry

GENREFantasyHumor, Pop Art, Modern Art, Vintage, PhotographyStill LifePortrait

BOOKSKoalas: Zen in Fur, Ancient Aboriginal Tales in New Retellings, The Koala Museum of Modern Art Catalogue, Mr. Douglas’ Koalas and the Stars of Qantas, Vegetarian Delights Too Cute to Eat, Vintage Postcards and Timeless Quotes of Wisdom, A Summer Party in Koalaland, The Book of Valentines and Other Loves, Koalas: Moving Portraits of Serenity, Koala Coloring Book, Barrett’s Koala.

AVATAR ART— Magic Koalas // Space Koalas // Happy Koalas

GAMESKoala Jungle, Koala Heroes, Happy Koalas, Magic Koalas, Aqua Koalas, Pop Art Koalas, Smart Koalas, Koala Museum, Snow Koals, Koala Heist, Dream Koalas, Coloring Book

INTERIOR AREA — Bedroom // Lights // Curtains // Fabric Murals // Encaustics // Dining // Living // Rugs // Classics