Klassic Koalas: The Koala Museum of Modern Art Catalogue
by Nancy Margulies
Step into the world of upscale, highbrow artistic expression. Mingle with the sophisticates as you delve into the deeper implications of the great masterpieces of the world. Stroll down the corridors of the world-famous Koala Museum of Modern Art (KOMA, pronounced “coma”), exploring its many galleries. First the East Wing, then West Wing, followed by the South Wing. Or just wing it. Better yet, read this book and save yourself all that walking. Commentaries appearing in this book were composed by our illustrious Chief Executive Curator, the same individual who brought the original exhibit to life by unearthing an unprecedented number of little-known great masterpieces, each with a common theme: the furry, friendly, mysterious koala. Readers will be amazed to see all the famous works of art into which the iconic koala has insinuated itself. Never been able to figure out why the Mona Lisa smiles? Check out her companion in canvas and you’ll understand that enigmatic expression—it’s hard to keep a straight face when there’s a koala sidling up to you. Ever challenged friends to see what images you can find in an impressionist painting? It will be much more fun to interpret a Monet when there are koalas lurking in the leaves. Fail to see the point of modern art at all? Discover its new purpose as a playground for merry marsupials emerging from pattern and shadow, and learn to look at it in a new way. This lighthearted look at some of the marsupial-pieces of modern art will bring a smile to the face of anyone who has had to endure a boring museum tour, and lighten the spirits of those who enjoy whimsy in artwork. Book Excerpt | Flyer | Video | Extended Press Coverage | Local Library | Merchandise | Wholesale | Design Your Own | Amazon.com: US | Brazil | Canada | China | France | Germany | India | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Spain | UK
About the Author: Nancy Margulies, MA, is an author, educator and consultant to both corporations and not-for-profit organizations. Nancy is the developer of Mindscapes, a process of visual recording that captures patterns as well as key concepts. Her best-selling book on this topic, Mapping Inner Space, has been translated into several languages. Her other works include videos on drawing, visual recording, books and comics for students to learn more about the brain and multiple intelligences. As a psychologist she worked with deaf children and adults and organized state-wide programs for people with hearing impairment. She has worked with President Clinton and his cabinet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama as well as business and community leaders in Turkey, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia. Nancy is also one of the pioneers of the World Café, a process of intentional conversations enable people to engage on a deeper level, learn from one another and discover their collective intelligence. A review by Jenni Dunn, Now for Future, Canterbury, Victoria: The Meeting of the Icons of Art and the Australian Bush. The myth of the cute and cuddly koala, initially promoted by the production of the soft toy, takes on a new and vivd lease of life in the pages of Nancy Marguiles’ new book of a selection of key masterpieces in the KOMA gallery. Nancy provides stunning evidence of how this shy and protective creature has followed its inner yearnings and secret propensity to be captured on canvas. Unbeknown to we Australians these pages illustrate how this sleepy inhabitant of gum tree tops in the midst of our bush has, over time, filled its pouch with supplies and headed to the studios of some of the world’s greatest artists. A clear willingness evident to drop this disguise of the shy and sleepy, distant furry koala to adopt the persona of the muse. Its illusive nature though is still clearly evident in some of the work where it has taken to its regular habit of disguising itself in/amongst the landscape. Congratulations on such a revealing and creative capture of the unknown habitats of one of Australia’s most iconic treasures and its place in the history of fine art! Evan Howard, Musician, Composer, New York: Once I picked up this book I couldn’t put it down. Very clever and engaging. I hope there will be a series some day. Chris Ridgway, Architect, Half Moon Bay, California: If you like art (and who doesn’t), and love to laugh (of course you do), this book is for you. |
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Sean M. Ulmer, Curator of Collections & Exhibitions, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art: With delightful images and witty commentary, Chief Curator François D’Rigour (aka Nancy Margulies) introduces us to KOMA—the Koala Museum of Modern Art. Engaging and entertaining, this museum catalogue invites the reader into another world, one of art and koalas. She helps us to see familiar masterpieces in a whole new way and her accompanying commentary is revealing, acerbic, and humorous at the same time. The catalogue is a pleasure to read and you will learn something without even trying. So sit back, grab yourself a Koalaccino, and enjoy the wit and wisdom of this fresh new face on the art scene. Dr. Emmet Miller, Author, Psychotherapist, Lecturer at Esalen Institute: The perfect gift for an art aficionado who still has a sense of humor. A cleverly subversive way to introduce kids to good art and a thousand chuckles for the rest of us.
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Joan Thaler, Art Therapist: I can imagine children loving the fun of exploring this book, then recognizing and remembering the actual masterpieces when they seem them in books or museums. For adults the fun is not only in the creatively morphed images but in the hilarious text that accompanies every illustration. Lis Dunn, Cartoonist / Writer, Sydney, Australia: If only politicians were this cute. Eats, roots and leaves… and a whole museum for you to look at. Imagine how much better rennaissance art would have been had they known about koalas. It’s icon art of the furry kind. |